Top 20 Best Of Best From Red Dot Concept Designs 2010

Dot, dot, dotThe Red Dot Concept Design Awards 2010! Yes, a results have been out as well as for most young-guns a time for jubilations! A high-profile display ceremony in Singapore, adore as well as enviousness from your peers as well as admission from a most suitable in a industry; thats what Red Dot is all about! As Media Partners for Red Dot Concept Design, you showcase here 20 Best of Best Concept Design Winners in pointless order, only to let you know which approach a destiny of concepts is heading. Sit back, relax as well as enjoy a show.

20) A Check by Jung Eun Park

If you suffer from food allergies afterwards a quite accessible to have a apparatus similar to a A Check. The device probes a food for ingredient contents as well as afterwards matches it with a selection of food-items which you have listed as allergy causing foods. If a stick turns red, it simply equates to you pierce upon to a next dish!

19) Air Sphere by Miyazawa Tetsu & Ichimura Shigenori

The Air Sphere gives normal list fans a total brand brand brand new meaning. A burble of delight, a theme of shifting interrelations influenced a design strategy. It functions well as an electric air blower in a summer, as well as as an air circulator in a winter.

18) Bamboo Cell by Fanson Meng

The Bamboo Cell! mixes c omplicated sensibilities of style as well as joy with ethnic values similar to using bamboo. The stool is done with bamboo legs as well as a polyester creosote seat, in to which a legs have been set along with as well as a series of bamboo rings. Modernism as well as tradition in a heady cocktail!

17) Compliance by ENSCI Les Ateliers & Audrey Richard-Laurent

Compliance is a plan a tries to bridge a apprehensions of a patient, his treatment routine as well as a doctors diagnostics measures. It is an information-based therapeutic apparatus which contains a semantic visual complement formed upon sticker-printed hand-drawn icons; a road map to beam a studious by a total hearing process. Its some-more similar to a cover which links a patient, his/her condition, as well as a medical staff; as well as pathology-specific preference tools, such as a glycemia measurer for people with diabetes.

To substantiate a project, collection were developed as well as written during a six-month (iterative) routine with patients as well as staff during a Baudelaire Policlinic of Public Assistance Hospitals, Paris St-Antoine (AP-HP).

16) Ctrus Football by Michel Rojkind, Alberto Villarreal, Victor Aleman, Enrique Ferandez De La Barrera, Issac Smeke

Ctrus is an airless, see-though soccer ball with position-detection technology as well as is assembled with an inner make up (skelle-core) as well as an outdoor net-embedded bombard done with reinforced elastomers. The difference in softness of these two layers as well as their flexibility brings about a bounce in a ball. The electronic components in a nucleus communicate wirelessly with carry out stations during a stadium, giving essential feedbac! k as wel l as functions similar to inner light color changes during vicious diversion situations (such as goal, offside, as well as out-of-bounds); recording of kick force as well as transport speed; place of a ball relative to a margin (thanks to an interactive showing complement around GPS/RFID); as well as point-of-view camera footage (with a software-stabilized image).

15) Depict by Jaeho Jang

The discerning Depict is an overwhelming concept phone which dials out numbers when you scribble or pull something upon a touchscreen interface. It does away with your need to recollect numbers or go by a motions of accessing a name as well as afterwards dialing a number. Ideal for a silver generation, who find technology advances intimidating.

14) E Tomb by Huang Jianbo, Zhao Ting, Wang Yushan, Ran Xiangfei & Mo Ran

My favorite! When you am dead, you will twitter as well as similar to as well as torture my online demons with a burial ground which wont let me rest in peace!
The E- Tomb is a tombstone which allows mourners to entrance a deceaseds online hold up as well as leave messages, anecdotes, cinema as well as logs which can be common amongst a family as well as friends. A truly e-memorial!

13) FREEDOM360 by Xinglei Yao

The FREEDOM360 is a forklift lorry which features a three times rotation function. Unlike most forklifts, a chassis, cab, as well as front flare of this lorry can stagger horizontally. Each part can stagger independently of a others. This feature dramatically improves working efficiency, generally for short-distance tra! nsportat ion. Moreover a lorry is easily maneuverable in really parsimonious spaces, as a automobile does not require a branch circle. The battery is placed underneath a vehicle, where a weight can move about greater stability. Also, a incomparable battery can be accommodated in this position. Features embody a touchscreen which gives a motorist greater carry out over a vehicle.

12) Green Box by Pai Chang-Hsuan

The Green Box is a biodegradable lunchbox which integrates a flare n ladle as well as knife to a lid. Its a healthy replacement for cosmetic as well as Styrofoam boxes which add burden to our environment. This box & a cutlery is done from PLA (polylactide) a biodegradable thermoplastic subsequent from sources such as cornstarch or sugar cane. Easy to make make make use of of of as well as dispose!

11) iDropper by Jaeyoung Heo & Han-Bi Jung

A illusory concept apparatus which allows you to send data, photos, files as well as some-more from a single device to another, by simply sucking up a information around this (eye) dropper apparatus as well as dropping it upon a intended device. Superb thought though most technical nit-picks to solve!

10) Innate Vase by Ming Hong Yeh & Chung Ping Lai

Innate Vase lengthens a useful hold up of a PET bottle, by apropos this accessible attachment to a neck as well as transforming it to a beautiful vase.

9) Light Weight Concept by Bobin Gill

Light Weight Concept is a two-seater city automobile whose back wheels transform in to motorbikes which can be fully distant from a automobile body. Each bike has a own electric engine as well as operates with a Segway mechanism. The unique make up uses modernized materials such as super-engineered cosmetic to say a minimal weight, as well as maximizes efficiency. An critical feature is a make up a combination of two parallel side panels as well as a series of cross panels. This form helps a automobile to say strength whilst being lightweight.

To make make make use of of of a bikes, initial a motorist opens a cars back hood. The back fender afterwards shifts downwards, as well as a stand is set down for any bike. The advancing locks have been opened, as well as afterwards a bikes can be started. The Segway mechanism establishes a bikes balance. The tiny bikes have been suitable to city driving, being means to pierce by narrow streets with ease, as well as they have been simple to drive. It is illusory which they could settle a brand brand brand new bike culture. The side door of a automobile is a potion panel, which brings a feeling of openness to driving. The styling was desirous by overlapped as well as woven surfaces. The bike panels as well as front hood have been strongly emphasized to emanate a main impression of a vehicle. The cars roof is propitious with a solar panel, as well as a automobile seats two people.

8 ) Mobile Tail by Sangwoo Park, & Jongwon Park

A really cute tail further to a smartphone as well as desirous by Disneys One Hundred as well as One Dalmatians. You can design this in a YD Stores for sale, really soon!

7) Rice bag by Kim Subin & Jung Sung-Hoon

The Rice Bag is a lightweight as well as easy-to-carry sachet which allows rice to be distributed quickly as well as efficiently in portions according to need. Designed to assist a delivery as well as fair distribution of rice to young kids in fast or mess situations, a package is in tiny apportionment distance which makes it easy to carry by a individual. It can be carried singly or in multiples by slinging over a body. The bags have been done with recycled paper.

6) Press, Change Length Jia Shenghui, Zhou Hailun, Liu Zhen & Chen Jian

Press, Change Length is an easy grab-handle for passengers travelling by bus. The length of a hoop can be practiced (via regulatory wheel) according to a tallness of a passenger, to illustrate offering a safer grip to a station commuter.

5) Skinny Player by Chih-Wei Wang & Shou-Hsi Fu, Prof. Hwang T. K. Philip & Prof. Fan Cheng-Kuei

One Album is all it can hold, as well as it is as tiny as a band-aid! This is a destiny of unstable music The Skinny Player; make make make use of of of it in gimmick promos or only for fun!

4) TWIN Drums Washing Machine by Yoon Hyung Woo

TWIN Drums Washing Machine features two chambers which allow you to wash segregated garments (delicates as well as regulars) in a same wash-cycle to illustrate saving water, time & electricity.

3) Frugal Soap by Kim Ji-Woong

The Frugal Soap joins a final sliver of a old soap ! to a bra nd brand brand new indented one, so which zero gets wasted. Just a case of creation certain which you make make make use of of of every bit of it conveniently!

2) M.A.T. (Mat Air Together) by Ko Ha-Rim, Moon Jun-Young, Nam Hyeong-Taek & Seong Yeon-Woo

The M.A.T. (Mat Air Together) is an inflatable, segmented picnic pad which caters to your seating whims. It inflates in segments to become a bed with pillow or a list with low seating. Very versatile!

1) Natural Energy Park by Hyundai Engineering & Construction- You Song Young, Jin Soo Yeon, Ahn Ho Sang, Lee Sung Jae

The Natural Energy Park is an interactive playground which teaches young kids a significance of renewable appetite as well as how you can make make make use of of of resources optimally. Importance of Solar, wind, as well as tidal appetite have been taught in a play-way method. The plan intends to showcase these ecological pick energies to young kids by a series of eco-friendly play apparatuses. In addition, some simple systematic principles have been with pictures by interactive installations.

Benjamin Franklins kite

A ladder which extends up by a chimney leads to a laboratory where a spinning circle is continuous to a tiny generator. A kite flies outside. Spinning a circle generates physical phenomenon which lights up LEDs upon a kites strings. The era as well as flow of physical phenomenon is achieved as well as displayed.

A solar-powered discretionary illusion

A rotating discretionary illusion image is turned by a motor. The engine is powered by physical phenomenon generated from a solar panel. Children can spin a lever next to adjust a in front of of a solar co! llector row as well as observe a changing rotation speed of a optical illusion plate, which alters according to a volume of physical phenomenon generated.

A pinwheel cycle which illuminates a trade sign

Pedaling a bicycle causes a generator of electric energy of electric energy to make physical phenomenon which rotates a pinwheel. At a same time, it illuminates a trade signals which have been installed upon a column below. A light in front of a kid will also illuminate, verifying which a childs movement is generating electrical energy.

A seesaw which turns a waterwheel

The make make make use of of of of a seesaw causes a waterwheel to turn. A slide, shaped similar to a cascade of water, traverses down a single side of a waterwheel, encouraging young kids to imagine which they have been experiencing a movement of water.

A pinhole camera

Shaped similar to an old camera, a pinhole camera teaches young kids about basic photographic principles as well as how light can emanate images. Light passes by a convex lens as well as creates a topsy-turvy picture upon a square of opaque glass. This can be pushed backwards or pulled forwards to move a picture in to focus.

A videophone periscope

Through a vast periscope connecting a initial as well as second floors of Natural Energy Park, young kids can see a single anothers faces and, during a same time, speak to any other.

A pedal-powered radio

Pedaling a bicycle causes a radio to play music by a speakers upon a side of a column. Kinetic appetite is converted to electrical energy, as well as afterwards to sound. Children can learn which a electronic products you make make make use of of of have been powered by precious electric energy, as well as how which appetite can be obtained.

An airplane drifting in a air

This airplane uses captivating levitation to fly. The nauseating appetite of a strong neodymiu! m magnet suspends a craft in a air. Turning a carry out lever left as well as right causes a craft to shift a course. Children can pretend which they have been pilots.


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