Five Things I Want To See From The Watch Industry In 2011

2011 survey Five Things you Want To See From The Watch Industry In 2011

While people struggled to make lists of what their the one preferred pieces of 2010 were, you started meditative about the future. Sure 2010 saw its share of really great pieces, though you consider there is the lot you can demeanour forward to. For me, you consider 2010 did the great job during charity pretty great sub $10,000 watches. Few brand brand new movements, reduction tourbillons, as well as reduction glam. Instead, you saw some-more innovation in materials, as well as "keeping it simple." you was additionally astounded during the number of brand brand new brands. Good watches in the $2,000 - $4,000 range were positively present, though you wanted to see much, most some-more of them. The economy seems to be mending the bit, as well as China is quickly becoming the brand brand new mecca for luxury watch dollars. Here have been my top five things you want to see from the watch industry in 2011:

1. Sober Pricing

With some-more as well as some-more brands offered direct, the cost of commercial operation goes down as middlemen go away. This should allow watch prices to go down (a lot in theory). you would similar to to see watch brands offer improved worth propositions so which some-more people can means "good watches." The high-end marketplace will of course regularly be there. you feel which brands should concentration upon charity some-more decent watches to the 20-35 year aged range who is starting from possibly no watch or something very low-end to the nice watch, though can't burst true to the $10,000 watch.

2. Getting Real With Real Media

I was dismayed back progressing this year when you got the rarely acclaimed "Watch Your Time" addition to the New York Times. The full-color addition was upon watches, as well as presented ! articles from the little of the industry's most eminent print writers. On the cover of the addition was the term "Special Advertising Section" (or maybe it was "advertorial"). That little matter upon the cover told the total story, or some-more or reduction told any one which what is upon the inside is paid-for-copy. Where is the beef people?

While you assimilate which high-end watches do not regularly make for the newsworthy stories, the industry can get some-more coverage when it is the bit some-more open. Dedicated watch media can have some-more "valuable" inside, whilst mainstream media can have some-more meat. Watch media needs to get some-more genuine prior to it can get some-more respect. The internet has done which probable for any one to do. you rarely recommend which the existing watch media publishing as well as journalism industry get together with the watch industry to plead how watch media can be reduction selling related, as well as some-more culture related.

3. Reality Check Online

2010 saw the watch industry as the total eventually step in to the Internet's vital room. Watch brands have been eventually realizing how critical the Internet is from selling as well as sales standpoint - as well as afterwards they all lost lane of reality. Expectations from amicable media was utterly unrealistic, with brands meditative Facebook as well as Twitter is the little magic approach of removing brand brand new customers. Time to sober up as well as get real. Social media is for pity report as well as charity the information exchnage access point. Not the little news ticker feed which people have been starting to sit there as well as watch. The worst offenders have been those who "cry wolf" with their fans as well as supporters charity weeks as well as weeks of purposeless crap prior to anything interesting is essentially communicated (if ever). Stop regulating amicable media as the little self-generated yearbook as well as figure it out.

4. Universal Names

This doesn't have anything to do with 2011 per se, though it is about time someone started to speak about this. Let's get universal with names. My categorical concentration here is with movements, though it runs so most deeper. Much of the time you do not care whether your brand brand new watch has an in-house movement or not. If you make use of an ETA, just contend so. Don't call an ETA 2824 movement which has your name upon the rotor the "XG-24/LJH.309." Just contend it is an ETA 2824 with your rotor, or maybe decor. There have been so many smokes as well as mirrors around movements. It is all nonessential - as well as you am ill of having dig low as well as deal with 500 names for one movement. you have no complaint with an ETA, or Soprod, or Sellita, or Dupois Depraz, or whatever. Just tell us what it is so which you can assimilate your watches better. Imagine if car companies were all misleading about the engines they used.

5. Return From Return To Classic

We have been in 2011. Not 1811, not 1911, not 1971. you assimilate an confluence to tradition, as well as the interest of the marvelously classic watch, though you am removing ill of all being borne of possibly "tradition, heritage, classicism, or vintage." You know, you similar to complicated things, as well as you am not the usually one. Modern seeking watches shouldn't just be unconventional ones coming from Japan or the ultra high-end guys who sell $100,000 and watches. I've looked over my collection as well as realize you similar to "different" watches. Not solely those, though you am regularly seeking for ? la mode looks as well as stuff which looks timeless. Nostalgia is the beautiful thing, though infrequently watch pattern feels similar to the broken record.

Written by Mr. Ariel Adams -, devoted eccentric watch media.

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