Embellished with Pure Gold, Tata Nano Goldplus to be Launched in April 2011

Tata Nanao Goldplus Embellished with Pure Gold, Tata Nano Goldplus to be Launched in Apr 2011Tata Group is a single of a oldest as well as many diversified commercial operation houses in India. Titan Industries is in to branded valuables as well as Tata Motors are in to vehicle as well as their Nano is a cheapest automobile in a world. To celebrate a 5000th anniversary of Indian valuables both a companies of a Tata Group are entrance together to launch a first pure bullion valuables automobile coined as theGoldplus Nano by April-May 2011.

Titan Industries launched a month-long debate in November as well as invited designs for a due Nano Goldplus. Thirteen designs from opposite a country competed for becoming Indias first valuables car. People voted online to name a leader amongst a competing designs. The winner, who received 500,000 votes, was voiced on December 24th. A Nano automobile will be detailed as per a winning design, in pure gold, during a production plant of Titan Industries during Hosur nearby Bangalore.

The sale of Nano has been dropping steadily in a recent months as well as it could sell usually 509 units in a entire month of November. The marketing team of Tata Motors is hoping which a Nano Goldplus would revitalise a dipping interest of a consumers in a small car. And Titan Industries have come brazen to help.

Via: ibtimes


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